The official 9th Class Date Sheet for all Punjab Boards has been released, with the exams scheduled to begin on 19th March 2025. This date sheet is important for students enrolled in the academic session 2021-2023 to 2023-2025. We also encourage you to keep visiting our website for any updates related to your exams and other educational resources.
Date sheet of 9th class 2025 Punjab board
All Punjab Boards
Class Date Sheet
9th Class Date Sheet 2025
Exam Date
19th March 2025
Exam Type
Passing Percentage
9th Class Exam Day Tips and Advice
To ensure a smooth and successful experience on your 9th class exam day, here are some helpful tips to guide you:
Know Your Exam Date Make sure to know exactly when your exams are taking place. The 9th class exams will begin on Tuesday, 19th March 2025. It’s important to mark this date and day in your calendar to avoid confusion.
Check the Weather Always check the weather forecast before your exam day. If heavy rain or harsh weather is expected, carry an umbrella and take extra precautions to protect your exam materials from any potential damage.
Plan Your Route to the Exam Center It’s essential to know the route to your exam center in advance. Avoid routes that are known for heavy traffic, and if you’re using public transport, leave early to avoid any delays. This will help reduce any last-minute stress and ensure that you arrive on time.
Arrive Early Plan to reach the exam center at least 30 minutes before the exam starts. Arriving early gives you time to relax, settle in, and find your seat without rushing.
Bring All Required Items Make a checklist of everything you’ll need for your exam day. Key items include your roll number slip, pens, pencils, erasers, a clipboard, inkpot, scale, and any other materials mentioned on your roll number slip.
SSC Part I (1st Annual) Examination 2025
The Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Sargodha, has released the 9th Class Date Sheet for the SSC Part I (1st Annual) Examination 2025 for students in the academic session 2021-2023 to 2024-2026. The exams will begin on 25th March 2025. Here is the full schedule for the exams:
Note: Practical exams for both groups will begin on 23rd April 2025. Stay updated by visiting our website for any further announcements or changes in the schedule.
Passing Criteria
To pass the 9th Class exams, students must achieve a minimum of 40% marks in each subject. It’s important to prepare well to meet this requirement and score above the passing percentage for a successful result.
Subject Wise Passing Marks for Matriculation Exams
The passing marks for each subject in the 10th class exams are crucial for students to understand. The Punjab Boards have set the passing criteria for the following subjects:
Passing Marks
Total Marks
Urdu (Combined)
English (Combined)
Mathematics (Combined)
Physics (Combined)
Chemistry (Combined)
Biology (Combined)
Islamiyat (Combined)
Tarjma tul Quran
Pakistan Studies
Stay updated with the latest educational news
Stay updated with the latest educational news and updates by visiting our website regularly. We provide valuable information on exam schedules, tips, study resources, and much more to help you succeed in your academic journey. Don’t miss out on the latest developments and ensure you are always prepared for what lies ahead.